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After calling the enqueue method, a tap-toast component will be added to the DOM. This method has two parameters:

In this page we will learn how to customize the added toast to the DOM.


  • Type: string (required)
  • Description: The message to be displayed inside the toast.
  • Usage:
toastQueue.enqueue("This is a toast message")

After calling this method, the following element will be added to the DOM:

<tap-toast>This is a toast message</tap-toast>


This parameter is an optional object with following properties:


  • Type: 'success' | 'error' | 'info' | 'inverse' | 'warning'
  • Description: The variant of the toast, which dictates the style of the toast.
  • Usage: Set the variant attribute to one of the possible values.
toastQueue.enqueue('This is a success message', { variant: 'success' });
toastQueue.enqueue('This is an error message', { variant: 'error' });
toastQueue.enqueue('This is an info message', { variant: 'info' });
toastQueue.enqueue('This is a warning message', { variant: 'warning' });

After calling these methods, the following elements will be added to the DOM:

<tap-toast variant="success">This is a success message</tap-toast>
<tap-toast variant="error">This is an error message</tap-toast>
<tap-toast variant="info">This is an info message</tap-toast>
<tap-toast variant="warning">This is a warning message</tap-toast>


  • Type: number
  • Description: The duration in milliseconds the toast should be displayed before automatically dismissing. Default value: 3000
  • Usage: Pass the timeout value in the options object when calling the enqueue method.
toastQueue.enqueue('This is a toast message', { timeout: 5000 });


  • Type: boolean
  • Description: Whether to show the dismiss button on the toast.
  • Usage: Set the show-dismiss-button attribute to display the dismiss button.
toastQueue.enqueue('This toast can be dismissed', { 
  showDismissButton: true 

After calling this method, the following element will be added to the DOM:

<tap-toast show-dismiss-button>This toast can be dismissed</tap-toast>