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Row Component

A flexible row component with leading, content, and trailing slots.


size'standard' | 'compact''compact'The size of the row. Defaults to standard.
navigablebooleanfalseIndicates whether the row is navigable (clickable).


leadingthe leading slot of the row
contentthe content slot of the row
trailingthe trailing slot of the row

CSS Parts

rowThe main container for the row.
leadingThe container for the leading slot.
contentThe container for the content slot.
trailingThe container for the trailing slot.
navigableThe container for the navigable icon.

Check this link to learn how to use CSS parts for Row Component.

CSS Properties

--tap-font-family--tap-sys-font-familyThe font family used in the row.
--tap-row-background-color--tap-palette-whiteThe background color of the row.
--tap-row-leading-vertical-padding-The vertical padding for the leading slot.
--tap-row-leading-horizontal-padding--tap-sys-spacing-4The horizontal padding for the leading slot.
--tap-row-content-padding--tap-sys-spacing-4The padding for the content slot.
--tap-row-trailing-vertical-padding-The vertical padding for the trailing slot.
--tap-row-trailing-horizontal-padding--tap-sys-spacing-4The horizontal padding for the trailing slot.
--tap-row-standard-height--tap-sys-spacing-13The height of the standard size row.
--tap-row-compact-height--tap-sys-spacing-12The height of the compact size row.


slotchangeDispatched when the content of any slot changes.