The Tapsi design system provides a comprehensive set of icons published on NPM. You can integrate these icons into your project using either Web Components (framework-agnostic) or React Components (optimized for React).
Use @tapsioss/web-icons
if you want to embed Tapsi icons into any project – whether it’s vanilla HTML, Angular, Vue, Svelte, or any framework that supports Web Components.
pnpm install @tapsioss/web-icons
npm install @tapsioss/web-icons
yarn add @tapsioss/web-icons
Use @tapsioss/react-icons
if you’re working in a React environment and want a more streamlined integration that follows React conventions.
pnpm install @tapsioss/react-icons
npm install @tapsioss/react-icons
yarn add @tapsioss/react-icons
Note These properties apply to both the Web and React versions of our
icons (with minor syntax differences depending on your framework). :::
Name | Description | Default Value |
viewbox | The viewBox of the SVG. Allows you to redefine what the coordinates without units mean inside an SVG element. | 0 0 24 24 |
title | Provides a human-readable title for the element that contains it. More Info | - |
size | The size of the icon. If set to "auto" , the icon will use the parent's width and height. | "auto" |
Color Inheritance All Tapsi icons inherit their color from their parent
element using currentColor
. To change the icon color, simply style the color
property on the parent (or the icon itself), and the icon’s fill will update accordingly. :::
Icons usage
Assume we are going to use the "Clock" icon. First, import the component:
import "@tapsioss/web-icons/Clock";
import { Clock } from "@tapsioss/react-icons";
Then you can easily use the component with the following syntax:
title="a clock icon"
title="a clock icon"