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Bottom Sheet Component

Bottom sheet Element


openbooleanfalseControls the visibility of the bottom sheet. If true, the bottom sheet is visible.
dismissiblebooleantrueDetermines whether the bottom sheet can be dismissed by the user. If true, a close button is displayed, allowing the bottom sheet to be closed.
hasDimmerbooleanfalseControls the presence of a dimmer overlay.
titlestring''Specifies the title displayed in the header of the bottom sheet.
expandedbooleanfalseIf true, the bottom sheet expands to 90% of the viewport height (90vh).
showGrabberbooleantrueControls the visibility of the grabber element.


bottom-sheet-bodyThe content of the bottom sheet's body.
bottom-sheet-headerThe bottom sheet's header part.

CSS Parts

dimmerThe dimmer element darkens the background and is clickable to close the bottom sheet.
headerThe header of the bottom sheet component, containing the title and dismiss button.
bodyThe container that wraps the bottom sheet's content.

Check this link to learn how to use CSS parts for Bottom Sheet Component.

CSS Properties



closeFires when the bottom sheet closes.