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Radio Component

A radio button component.


checkedbooleanfalseIndicates whether the radio button is checked.
disabledbooleanfalseIndicates whether the radio button is disabled.
valuestring''The value of the radio button.

CSS Parts

radioThe main container for the radio button.

Check this link to learn how to use CSS parts for Radio Component.

CSS Properties

--tap-radio-border-radius--tap-sys-radius-fullThe border radius of the radio button.
--tap-radio-height--tap-sys-spacing-7The height of the radio button.
--tap-radio-width--tap-sys-spacing-7The width of the radio button.
--tap-radio-background-color--tap-sys-color-surface-primaryThe background color of the radio button.
--tap-radio-border--tap-sys-color-border-inverse-primaryThe border color of the radio button.
--tap-radio-checked-background-color--tap-sys-color-surface-inverse-primaryThe background color of the checked radio button.
--tap-radio-checked-color--tap-sys-color-content-on-inverseThe color of the content inside the checked radio button.
--tap-radio-disabled-background-color--tap-sys-color-surface-disabledThe background color of the disabled radio button.
--tap-radio-disabled-border-color--tap-sys-color-surface-disabledThe border color of the disabled radio button.
--tap-radio-disabled-color--tap-sys-color-content-disabledThe color of the content inside the disabled radio button.
--tap-radio-input-height--tap-sys-spacing-7The height of the radio button input.
--tap-radio-input-width--tap-sys-spacing-7The width of the radio button input.


radio-input-changeFires when a radio option is selected