Text Field Component
The text field component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | string | '' | The value of the text field. |
disabled | boolean | false | Indicates whether the text field is disabled. |
error | boolean | false | Indicates whether the text field has an error. |
caption | string | '' | The caption text for the text field. |
label | string | '' | The label for the text field. |
name | string | '' | The name of the text field. |
placeholder | string | '' | The placeholder text for the text field. |
type | 'text' | 'date' | 'month' | 'time' | 'week' | 'datetime-local' | 'number' | 'password' | 'search' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'email' | 'text' | The type of the text field. |
autocomplete | string | '' | The autocomplete attribute for the text field. |
max | number | undefined | The maximum value of the text field; only applying to text fields with these types: date , month , week , time , datetime-local , number . |
min | number | undefined | The minimum value of the text field; only applying to text fields with these types: date , month , week , time , datetime-local , number . |
maxlength | number | undefined | The maximum length of the text field; only applying to text fields with these types: text , search , url , tel , email , password . |
minlength | number | undefined | The minimum length of the text field; only applying to text fields with these types: text , search , url , tel , email , password . |
pattern | string | undefined | The allowed regex pattern of the text field; only applying to text fields with these types: text , search , url , tel , email , password . |
step | number | undefined | The step of the text field; only applying to text fields with these types: date , month , week , time , datetime-local , number . |
Name | Description |
leading-icon | the leading icon slot of the text-field |
trailing | the trailing slot of the text-field |