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Stepper Component

A form item that shows a value and can be increased or decreased by tw buttons


unitstring''A single quantity of the value
disabledbooleanfalseIf true, the component is disabled.
stepnumber1The number to which the current value is increased or decreased. It can be an integer or decimal
size'small' | 'medium''medium'The size of icons and font.
minnumber-InfinityThe min value.
maxnumberInfinityThe max value.
fullWidthnumberfalseIf true the component will fill the parent.
valuenumber0The current value.

CSS Parts

stepperThe container that wraps the stepper component.
decrease-buttonThe button that contains minus icon and decrease the value.
increase-buttonThe button that contains plus icon and increases the value.
valueThe p tag that shows the value.
unitThe p tag that shows the unit and will be hidden if unit not exists.

Check this link to learn how to use CSS parts for Stepper Component.

CSS Properties



stepper-changeFired when the value of the stepper changes.